Welcome to Nursery 

 Rowan Class


Mrs Florence Vastel - Class Teacher

Mrs Nicola Tetley - Senior Nursery Officer


Ways to help your child

  • Please share stories with your child EVERY night to foster a love for books.
  • Encourage and help your child to have fun mark-making and celebrate their drawings and scribbling. 
  • Practise counting at every opportunity, such as walking up/down stairs, shopping, counting objects. Look for numbers in the environment, such as on house doors, buses, car number plates etc.
  • Play simple games to encourage your child to notice sounds in the environment such as a car horn or a dog barking.
  • Encourage a healthy life style by eating healthy foods and participating in lots of physical activity. 
  • Encourage your child to discuss their environments and notice what the weather is like. 
  • Help your child to develop their imagination by encouraging them to take part in simple role play. 
  • Encourage kind words and sharing
  • Encourage your child's self-help skills (using the toilet independently as well as having a go at putting on their coats and shoes).  

In Early Years we follow the non-statutory document Development Matters. We teach the Prime Areas: Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social & Emotional Development.

We also teach the Specific Areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts & design.

Look at some of our fantastic learning!