Contact Details

Headteacher - Miss Louise Hill

Chair of Governors - Mr Stuart Bailey

You can contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors by post, email or by using the contact form on the website. If you have a question or concern please contact Miss Hill in the first instance. 



Grimes Dyke Primary School
Stanks Drive
West Yorkshire
LS14 5BY

 Main Office Tel: 0113 2941066

The office is open from 8am until 4:30pm Monday-Thursday.

8am until 3:30pm Friday, term time. 

School is open for pupils at 8am for breakfast club, the gates close at 8:15am.

Official school time: The gates open at 8:40 for class to commence at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm this is 32.5 hours of learning per week. 

After school clubs commence at 3:15pm until 4:15pm.

To speak to someone please dial 0113 2941066 and choose from the following options:

Option 1 to report a pupil absence

Option 2 for the admin team

Option 3 for the Inclusion Team (SEND Enquiries) 

Option 4 for SENDCO 

Option 5 for the kitchen

Option 0 for all other enquiries

Inclusion Staff

SENDCO - Mrs Suzanne Marshall

Attendance Mentor - Mrs Amy Taylor

Behaviour Support  - Miss Vicki Metcalf

Family Support - Miss Chloe Keeligan 

Speech and Language Therapist -  Mrs Sally Hansell (NHS)

Office Staff

Business Manager - Miss Angela Gilmartin

Admin Support/Enquiries - Mrs Fiona Wilson 

Admin Support/Enquires - TBC

Premises Staff

Mrs Tracy Dockerty - Facilities Manager






Contact Miss Hill

You may use this form to contact Miss Hill directly
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