Computing skills are integral to everyday life and it is vital that children learn how to make the most of digital opportunities. They need to be able to learn, create and be safe in a digital environment. Our Computing curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to develop a broad range of digital skills.
What we teach
We follow the National Curriculum and make cross-curricular links wherever possible. We aim to teach a variety of different technologies with a strong focus on computational science and internet safety. The curriculum has been designed with the needs of our children taken into consideration. Current units of work across KS1 and KS2 can be found on the school’s Long Term cross-curricular plans. These are then used to produce Medium Term and Weekly plans, uploaded and stored on Google drive. Computing in the Foundation Stage is based on Early Learning Goals, primarily Technology.
At Grimes Dyke we believe in a varied and engaging computing curriculum. Children gain experience in the many different aspects of digital technology and computing. Activities range from creating their very own podcast to learning to program using Scratch and Logo.
We also believe in the importance of remaining safe whilst interacting in the digital world and therefore place an emphasis on internet safety and learning to use the internet effectively.
How we teach
The teaching of computing is mainly delivered by a single teacher across school during PPA time. Currently KS1 and foundation stage have computing lessons delivered by the class teacher. Monitoring and evaluating the curriculum provision ensures that high teaching and learning standards are met, in line with the National Curriculum. The subject coordinator ensures up to date knowledge by accessing a variety of online services. Staff skills are updated through staff meetings. Where possible, specialist visitors or visits are arranged to provide subject enrichment.
Keep scrolling to look at some of our Computing learning this year.
Meet our Digital Leaders
The digital leaders have been very busy. Take a look at some of the things they have been up to.
Please click here to read our Computing Policy
Please click here to read our Curriculum and Skills progression document
Please click here to read our Long Term Plan