At Grimes Dyke our vision is to create a primary school that encourages its children to Aspire, Enjoy and Achieve. We understand that some children come to school with barriers as a result of poverty, both financial and cultural, but this does not get in the way of children achieving the vision. Children at Grimes Dyke are taught to dream big and not limit their life choices - the more they practise the more progress they will make.
The children and their families sometimes require support from staff to become ‘happy, healthy, safe and ready to learn.’ So, our vision goes on to state that ‘Grimes Dyke nurtures a community where everyone has the self-belief to aspire, enjoy and achieve without limits.’
The vision is embedded in a culture of ‘no excuses’ at Grimes Dyke, as despite many pupils’ poor attainment on entry and lack of first-hand experiences there is still a determination that all children can and will achieve academically. The vision is communicated to pupils and families by the celebration of mistakes, a school wide commitment and understanding of ‘Growth Mindset’ and through many opportunities to study and celebrate how aspiration in life has led to achievement. In short, the school embodies the strap line of Aspire, Enjoy, Achieve.
Through a culture of Aspire, Enjoy and Achieve and with a curriculum that mirrors this vision we aim to prepare children socially and academically for the next stage of their lives, overcoming any barriers they face.
How can the children demonstrate Aspire, Enjoy Achieve? - Click here to find out.