Parents and Carers

We know that parents and carers are their children's first educators so we work hard to develop positive partnerships between parents and school staff. You will find lots of opportunities to speak to staff on a daily basis before and after school and will usually find the headteacher on the school gate in the morning! Of course we know this isn't the place for private conversations, so please ask if you would like to speak in private, where possible we will arrange this immediately. 

We have lots of opportunities for parents to share learning in school; both by coming into school to work alongside their child, or by speaking to staff about their progress. Some examples are:

  • Parents / Carers open evenings

  • Coming to Friday celebration assembly

  • Stay and Play in EYFS

  • Story time sessions

  • Working alongside your child in class

  • Visiting class to see specific topic work

  • Parent workshops

  • Afternoon tea! 

  • Sports Days

  • Concerts

We keep in touch with parents in lots of ways including:

Parents and Carers

We know that parents and carers are their children's first educators so we work hard to develop positive partnerships between parents and school staff. You will find lots of opportunities to speak to staff on a daily basis before and after school and will usually find the headteacher on the school gate in the morning! Of course we know this isn't the place for private conversations, so please ask if you would like to speak in private, where possible we will arrange this immediately. 

We have lots of opportunities for parents to share learning in school; both by coming into school to work alongside their child, or by speaking to staff about their progress. Some examples are:

  • Parents / Carers open evenings

  • Coming to Friday celebration assembly

  • Stay and Play in EYFS

  • Story time sessions

  • Working alongside your child in class

  • Visiting class to see specific topic work

  • Parent workshops

  • Afternoon tea! 

  • Sports Days

  • Concerts

We keep in touch with parents in lots of ways including: