Welcome to Reception  

 Cherry Class


 Mrs Julie Wilkinson & Miss Papa  - Class Teachers

Mrs Bev Kelsey, Mrs Mandeep Kaur & Mrs Amanda Willcox


Ways to help your child

  • Please help your child practise their phonics and listen to them read EVERY night!!! You will soon see the difference in their confidence and reading ability. Click here to hear how to pronounce our Phonics Sounds. 
  • Encourage and help your child to write their name and write labels, using the correct letter formation. 
  • Practise counting at every opportunity, such as walking up/down stairs, shopping, counting objects. Look for numbers in the environment, such as on house doors, buses, car number plates etc.
  • Play simple games like 'Simon Says' and 'I spy', to help your child develop their listening skills and hear initial sounds in words.
  • Encourage a healthy life style by eating healthy foods and participating in lots of physical activity. 
  • Encourage your child to discuss their environments and notice changes in it, e.g. leaves falling from trees, how insects/bugs move, how the weather changes in different seasons. 
  • Help your child to develop their imagination by sharing stories about adventures and encouraging them to take part in role play to act out adventures of their own. 
  • Discuss ways in which we can help each other and be good friends.  

Below are links to video clips which will help you support your child to hold their pencil correctly and articulate phonics (letter sounds) properly.

Pencil grip


Articulation of phonics


In Early Years we follow the non-statutory document Development Matters. We teach the Prime Areas: Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social & Emotional Development.

We also teach the Specific Areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts & design.

Look at some of our fantastic learning!

You can read our current long term plan here 

You can read our Maths long term plan here