Special Educational Needs and / or Disability (SEND) and Inclusion at Grimes Dyke 

Our SEN Information Report is part of Leeds Local Authority Local Offer  provides details about how we support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in our school complies with section 69 (2) of the Children and Families Act 2014 and Regulation 51 and Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and section 6 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years.

Grimes Dyke Primary is an inclusive school, with every child and every adult, including parents, staff, governors, being valued members of Team GD.

We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity and high expectations is a reality for all our children, as our school motto says ‘Aspire, Enjoy, Achieve’. It is the ethos of the school that all our pupils feel valued, feel cared for, are a part of the school community, become lifelong learners who embrace challenge and reach their potential.

“The way your school helped my children develop both academically and  emotionally is truly fantastic and I cannot thank you enough. Every member of your staff has the children’s well being as their  number one priority”  -  Parent


What we offer all children

Grimes Dyke Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. Our curriculum builds on the National Curriculum and ensures that learning happens in an engaging creative way.

All children’s academic needs are met through carefully planned and differentiated work, which encourages children to be independent yet push themselves to achieve. Teachers are skilled in adapting work for all abilities whilst maintaining high expectations. We believe in providing the best possible provision for pupils of all abilities. We plan our teaching and learning so that each child can aspire to the highest level of personal achievement.

At Grimes Dyke Primary SEND and inclusion funding is spent on the following:

  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO)
  • 14 Level 2 teaching assistants
  • Autism Lead Practitioner
  • Speech and Language therapist based at our school for 1 day a week
  • 3 learning mentors 
  • Access to specialist provision, only when appropriate and necessary

Our staff who are passionate about supporting some of our most vulnerable children and families.


Frequently Asked Questions by parents and carers

Who is the SENDCo?

All SEN provision is overseen and managed by Senior Leadership Team, and co-ordinated by the SENDCO, Mrs Suzanne Marshall. The SENDCo monitors, reviews and evaluates all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year. A report is provided each year to the governing body on how needs are being met, how funding is spent, review of outcomes and future areas for development.

How does Grimes Dyke Primary School know if children need extra help?

We know when pupils need help if:

  • Concerns are raised by parents, carers, teachers or previous schools
  • There is a lack of progress
  • There is a change in children’s behaviour
  • A pupil asks for help or support

What do I do if I think my child or young person may have special educational needs?

If you have concerns about your child, talk to their class teacher first. You might want to do this at a parents’ evening session or make a separate appointment to see them. You can also make an appointment to see the school’s SENDCO, Suzanne Marshall, who organises provision for children with special educational needs.

How will school support my child?

At Grimes Dyke Primary School, appropriate provision for your child will be put in place following assessment depending on what their need is. For most pupils extra help will be provided in the classroom and managed by the class teacher.

Each pupil identified with SEND needs has a learning passport that summarises a child’s difficulties, expresses the child’s views and describes the provision in place to meet their needs.

Each pupil will have an individual education plan (IEP) drawn up by the teaching team. A copy of the targets will be shared with you by the teacher or teaching assistant. This plan could include individual support, particular strategies and resources, small group support and additional activities.

The length of this intervention varies according to need but is usually in cycles of a term. Support and interventions are reviewed regularly, identifies achievements and informs future targets. Pupil progress meetings are held each term, but for SEND children each half term so impact of interventions can be closely monitored.

For some children, outside support may be arranged in the form of sessions with the school’s Speech and Language Therapist (Mrs Sally Hansell), an Educational Psychologist, SMART, Occupational Therapist, Inclusion workers etc.

If your child’s needs are complex or severe we may suggest that we ask the Local Authority for a statutory assessment.  This may result in your child having an Education Health and Care Plan  ‘EHCP’ which describes your child’s SEND and the special help they should receive.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

Teachers plan a differentiated, yet challenging curriculum to closely meet the needs of all our children.

A teaching assistant will be identified to work with each pupil and if 1-1 or small groups work is indicated, these will be timetabled.

Group and individual interventions are put in place to help children close the gap and to boost levels of learning.  

Extra pastoral arrangements from support team and/or inclusion team are put in place to support social, emotional and mental health needs, including Nurture Provision.

How will I know how well my child is doing in school?

At Grimes Dyke Primary School, we assess all our children’s learning on an on-going basis and we analyse data each term.

Parents are invited to parent’s evenings that are held twice a year to discuss their child’s progress. The SENDCO, the Assistant Headteachers and the Headteacher will be available during these meetings for further discussion and support where necessary.

Class teachers are regularly on the playground at the beginning and end of the day if you wish to raise a concern or request a meeting.

Reviewed targets are sent home each term along with the new targets. Parents/carers are encouraged to contribute to the plans.

Alongside this, there will be other SEN review meetings at various points of the year. The SENDCO and your child’s teacher are available to discuss your child’s progress and next steps at any time should you wish to make an appointment.

How will you help me support my child's learning?

You can support your child’s learning by helping your child to complete homework, including creative homework projects that involve parents, attending parents’ meetings, attending assemblies, performances and celebration events.

You are kept informed about teaching and other events through checking our website, texts from school to mobile phone, using the school jotter app and the school newsletter. Teaching staff are also available to meet with if you need advice about supporting their child’s learning.

What support will there be for my child's overall wellbeing?

Grimes Dyke Primary School’s caring and supportive ethos is often commented on by parents, pupils, visitors and new members of staff. 

The emotional and social needs of our pupils are a priority for all staff and the school works hard to provide the highest standard of pastoral care for our pupils. The school’s Inclusion Team including our team of three mentors works throughout the school to support vulnerable pupils and families. 

With the Seacroft and Manston Cluster we can offer Family and Wellbeing Support to our families such as counselling, play therapy and sibling groups. 

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

We work with a wide range of professionals who provide us with specialist advice. These include the Educational Psychologist, SENIT, CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapist, the Seacroft Manston Cluster, Place2B, Occupational Therapist, School Nursing Team, STARS Team (support for pupils with autism), Hearing and Visually Impairment Team and others.

We have an Educational Psychologist allocated to our school. They would normally only advise school and parents when a child has considerable needs and has not responded to interventions. 

What training are the staff supporting children with SEN having/had?

The SENDCO attends SENDCO network meetings, Educational Psychologist Cluster planning and training and attends regular training from the Authority.

Support staff take part in regular weekly training on issues relevant to the children they support in class. 

The whole school staff team have regular CPD on SEND to ensure they have the skills needed to meet the needs of the learners in their class and in the wider school community.


How accessible is the school?

The school is fully accessible on two levels and has appropriate access, ramps, stair lifts and we have a care suite for children with individual medical needs and disabled users. The school works effectively with relevant professionals to enable children with specific needs to attend the school e.g. Physiotherapists, School Nurse and Occupational Therapists. Please see our accessibility plan

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

At Grimes Dyke we go that extra mile to ensure all children, regardless of need, can access in and outside school activities and will deploy the necessary staff to ensure this happens. This includes residential visits and after school clubs. Sometimes, Individual Pupil Risk Assessments or Care Plans may be used to include specific advice for trips. These are considered on an individual basis.

How will the school help my child on transfer to the next phase of their education?

Some children can find change, moving classrooms and getting to know new teachers quite unsettling. To prepare our children for this, all pupils in all year groups participate in transition activities starting towards the end of the Summer Term. During these weeks, all pupils go to their new class teacher and other support staff and take part in lessons in their new classroom. Alongside this, teaching staff meet to discuss the pupils’ progress, attainment and other information. Usually, parents of pupils with additional needs are invited to meet the new support staff.

Transition to high school can be a very stressful time and planning is very important for pupils with SEN.  Usually this includes the SENDCO meets with specific staff from high school to ensure a smooth transition, planned programme of visits.

Extra visits to high school are arranged and facilitated by school for vulnerable children. We have a good track record for successful transition to high school.

Foundation Stage have a very structured gradual start to Nursery.

How are the schools resources/funding allocated and matched to children's needs?

The school is funded on a national formula per pupil. Blocks of £6,000 are allocated using a formula linked to the number of pupils entitled to Free School Meals. School have to use this to meet most children's special educational needs.  The school can apply for extra funds to top-up, based on strict criteria, if it is felt that a child’s needs are above that which can be provided through the £6,000 block.  The children who meet the criteria usually have significant, complex and sometimes lifelong needs.  The school uses the additional funds to put appropriate support in place to meet the specific needs of a child. This may take the form of a key worker to support the child to in individual programmes, develop independence and access all areas of the curriculum.

How are parents and carers involved in the school?

Parents are kept informed of teaching and learning events via Friday assemblies, coffee mornings,  School Jotter app, school newsletters, text message service, school website and Parents’ Evenings. Individual classes hold curriculum events to which parents are invited, known to our children as WOW celebrations, where we share our learning or launch a new topic. There is a weekly celebration assembly to which all parents / carers are invited, coffee mornings and a PTA. We are also very proud of the number of volunteers we have in school.  Parents are also invited to a wide range of performances and concerts throughout the year.

Who can I contact for further information?

We hope you have found many of your questions answered here. However if there is anything else we can help you with please contact either your class teacher, Miss Hill (Headteacher) or Mrs Suzanne Marshall (SENDCO)

Tel no: 0113 2941066


You may also find the following documents, produced by the Department for Education (DfE), useful: