Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Louise Hill
Headteacher, Lead Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer
Working Days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Attendance Mentor - Amy Taylor
Amy leads attendance for the whole school and is responsible for ensuring that high standards of attendance are achieved.
Working Days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Pupil Support Mentor - Vicki Metcalf
Working days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Vicki's role is to work with and support children to ensure their potential is reached to give support around managing emotions to pupils and plan and deliver groups.
Full time post to include:
SENDco - Suzanne Marshall
Working days - Mon to Thursday
Grimes Dyke is a highly inclusive primary school, which strives to meet the individual needs of all its learners. We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school’s SEN policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children are in place to ensure our children reach their full potential.
Inclusion Mentor - Chloe Keeligan
Working days - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Chloe is responsible for co-ordinating and addressing barriers to learning for a targeted group of individual pupils in order to enable them to achieve their full potential.
Speech and Language therapist (NHS) - Sally Hansel
Working days - Monday