Personal, Social, Health Education (P.S.H.E)


Our PSHE curriculum at Grimes Dyke is designed to help pupils navigate change, contribute to society, and develop the confidence to stand up for their beliefs. We focus on building resilience, determination, understanding, and self-motivation, as well as equipping children with strategies to face everyday challenges. 
PSHE is integrated throughout the school day, from assemblies to class discussions, and is taught explicitly once a week. Our EYFS currciulum is based on '1Descision'. Our KS1/KS2 curriculum is based on 'You, Me, PSHE' or 'Yasmin and Tom (RSE)', ensuring progression, while our 'MindMate' sessions emphasise mental health and wellbeing. 

Anti-bullying Week: 

Children across the school discussed bullying and how they can ‘choose respect’. The week started with an assembly on what bullying is and spent some time discussing the word respect and what this means. They described this using the dictionary definition of ‘having due regard for someone’s feelings, wishes or rights.’ If everyone shows each other respect then bullying will not happen. Some powerful discussions and drama activities took place throughout the week.  The whole school created a display to remind them to choose respect and be kind. 

Some year groups acted out different scenarios.

Some year groups acted out different scenarios.

As a school, we created this display as a reminder to choose respect and be kind. We decorated the letters based on ways to be kind.

As a school, we created this display as a reminder to choose respect and be kind. We decorated the letters based on ways to be kind.

Year 3 created a web of respect. They passed respectful comments around the room and showed how kindness can spread and keep everyone united.

Year 3 created a web of respect. They passed respectful comments around the room and showed how kindness can spread and keep everyone united.

Dentist workshop:

The children in Y4, Y5 and Y6 participated in dental workshops led by student dentists. They took part in several interactive workshops which aimed to educate the children about the importance of brushing their teeth and looking after their dental hygiene.

We learnt how to brush our teeth and practised using circular motions on a model set of teeth.

We learnt how to brush our teeth and practised using circular motions on a model set of teeth.

We spent time learning about the different type of teeth.

We spent time learning about the different type of teeth.

We acted out different dentist scenarios.

We acted out different dentist scenarios.


Diversity Day:

During diversity Day we explored this year's theme, which was all about “embracing Change”. As a school, we explored 'The Rainbow Flamingo by Catherine Emmett' and spent time exploring the different colours of the LGBTQ+ flag to create a beautiful whole school display. Throughout the day, the children also took part in workshops run by Diversity Role Models. 

Every child read 'The Rainbow Flamingo' and then decorated a feather with a change they would like to make to improve the world.

Every child read 'The Rainbow Flamingo' and then decorated a feather with a change they would like to make to improve the world.

Children's Mental Health Week: 

The children spent time talking about what mental health is and how we can take care of it. As a school, we used 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy' to help spark conversation and come up with motivating quotes. The children then used calligraphy-style writing and watercolours to display their quotes in the style of Charlie Mackesy. 



Key documentation:

Please click here for the PSHE Policy. 

Please click here for the Long Term Plan. 

Please click here to read the PSHE Year group curriculum objectives for KS1 and KS2. 

Please click here to read the PSHE EYFS curriculum objectives. 

Please click here to read our Skills Progression Document